Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Annoyed today

Damn diet may kill me.  Its my own fault though, no one else to blame by myself.  I don't think I'm ever going to get out of the 240 range.  Gotta stop eating so much at night.  That certainly doesn't help.

Frustrated with work too.  Our clients are assholes.  The administrative people I deal with are morons.  This one bitch is so completely clueless I want to put her head through a wall.  Why is it we have to bend over backwards for them but we ask them for one tiny favor and they crap all over it.  I don't get it.

Its just as bad at my own office.  People asking me to do shit I don't normally do.  And of course it has to be the week before I leave for vacation.  Unfuckingreal.

I just can't wait until Thursday when I can shout, "EAT SHIT FUCKERS!"

Monday, July 18, 2011


To vacation that is!!  Just have to make it through four days this week.  My guess is they will be pure torture but I'll make it through somehow.

Here's hoping I stay on track while away.  I know its going to be hard but I'm hoping swimming every day in the lake will help.  And its not like we eat a ton of food during the day.  We usually have a small breakfast and maybe a snack during the afternoon to curtail our hunger until we leave to go have dinner.  Just a handful of chips and soda (or beer...yeah, i know).  Its the dinner part that worries me.  Its so easy to have multiple courses because the food is always so delicious you just feel like you HAVE TO try everything!

Got on the scale this morning and unfortunately I was exactly the same as I was last week.  Bummer.  But I know its because we ate a huge (and I mean real huge) dinner last night.  And had ice cream for dessert. :/  So I'm going to weigh myself again tomorrow to see if anything changes.  Which it has to, earlier this week I was down about a pound and a half, now I'm back up again?  C'mon, can't be.  So I refuse to log my weight today if tomorrow gives me a better number.

Thankfully the weight has been coming off slowly.  Maybe a little too slowly but I shouldn't complain.  I'm just afraid of hitting that dreaded plateau.  Once we're back from vacation I'll need to step up my gym game.  I know I should go more often.  Maybe I can squeeze in a half hour each day (yes I said each day, like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) rather than a one hour session twice a week.  Does it make a difference?  I have no idea.

I really am looking forward to vacation.  I'm actually giddy at the fact that we leave on Friday.  Sure can't wait to jump into that lake.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Is this a diet blog?  I guess it can be.  I've been eating waaaayy too much in the evenings this whole week.  All so that I can get rid of food cooked over the weekend so it doesn't go bad.  Went over WW points yesterday yet again but only by 2, which could be a hell of a lot worse.  And because of the overeating I just know I'm not going to lose any weight this week.  Even after last week's 1/2lb gain.  Oy the torture.

Hit the gym last night, felt good, real good.  But sadly not good enough to make me want to go every day.  I don't know, getting home early is such a plus for me.  When I hit the gym I don't get home until 9pm.  And getting home late means eating late which I know I shouldn't do.  Feels like I'm undoing all the hard work on the elliptical and the treadmill earlier.

Well I have to get back to work now and pay these people I work with, not to mention myself.  Thanks for listening, whoever you are.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Getting back on track.


So another week of trying to stay on track with food and exercise. Smdh...

Guess I ate too much this weekend. Actually I KNOW I ate too much this weekend. Finishing my mother-in-law's coffee cake was not smart but I just couldn't put it down. Not to mention all the other stuff. Why does food have to taste so damn good?

Not going to let it get me down, just going to count my WW points and try and be good. And hope for a decent weight loss this week.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Biff, Bang, POW!

Just realized the title of my last blog and the previous one were nearly the same. I seem to follow trends when I write. Gotta start paying closer attention to previous postings so I don't end up repeatin myself. Sheesh.

So its July 4th weekend, going to my cousin's house in Long Island today to eat, drink, chat with friends, etc. Should be fun. Looking forward to seeing everyone.

With that said I should start getting ready. Bringing some awesome chick pea - orzo salad and a pitcher of Elderflower Side Cars, which I really should stay away from since the last time I consumed said beverage I ended up tossing my cookies over the porcelain bowl.

Wishing everyone a happy and safe July 4th, try not to blow off any fingers.
