Thursday, June 30, 2011

Here I go again...

Hey all, how you doing? Been a while I know (not that anyone is actually reading this). Was reading a few blog pages of people I know and love and remembered, "Hey, I have a blog page!". Though no one knows about it. I haven't publicized it to anyone. I haven't even posted the url on Twitter of Facebook. I'm what you call a secret blogger, if I can even be considered that. Seeing as how I only have a few posts that date back to 2008! Ha!

I was reading my previous posts and realized its funny how your mood changes day by day, or even hour by hour. So here's an update to my previous posts.

I was seriously looking for a new job a few years ago but nothing came of it. I had replied to what seemed like thousands of positions on line and sent my resume to agencies. Nothing. Bubkis. Nada. I resigned myself to just being content with what I annoying as it can be some days. Its not as bad as it used to be thankfully. I can't tell if the job has changed or if I've just changed. The atmosphere here certainly has changed. After the turn of events that went on at work last year (and are still going on) things legitimately are better. Maybe better isn't the right word. More tolerable? Can "tolerable" even be substituted for "better"? I guess. Don't get me wrong, I still review the job site pages because you just never know what may pop up. If I end up retiring as an Office Manager it won't be the end of the world.

What am I nuts?! Wanting to open a bake shop? UGH! The hours, the commitment, the hours! Wait, I said that already. I get up early enough as it is, I couldn't fathom waking up at 3 a.m. just to bake cupcakes. And the thought of having to do precise measuring at that hour, those would be some wacky looking baked goods. I don't know, its a dream only. I watch shows like Diners, Drive-ins and Dives and think that could be me on the show. I love baking and cooking for people but I think being able to do it on my own time is more enjoyable. Especially when my husband says, "Man this is fucking awesome". Makes it totally worth it. So we will leave the cupcakes in dreamland...for now.

Ah the forever on going battle with the scale. I have always been "big". I wasn't one of those small kids who was just fat. You know the kind, the ones with little hands and feet who look like they have rubber bands around their wrists and ankles to hold in the jolly goodness. They are legitimately ROUND. And they have these moon shaped faces too. That was not me, I was just a big kid. Who turned into an even bigger teenager. Who ultimately turned into an obese adult. But I kept my promise to myself and joined Weight Watchers again this year. And yes I did finally make a commitment to visit the gym regularly (at least twice a week). And wouldn't you know it I've lost 18 pounds. Makes me feel really good. That's 18 pounds out of...a lot. But I'm on my way.

That's all I got for now. I will try and post more regularly. To think there are people who not only do this daily, they blog hourly. Who really has the time for this stuff?
