Friday, January 28, 2011

Here we go again...

So today I'm thinking its time to make a change.

All my life I have struggled with the weight issue. Lately I can't seem to figure out what is wrong with me. All I want to do is eat. ANYTHING. I do not discriminate when it comes to food. And in large quantities. I know that you're supposed to stop eating when you fill full. Seems I never know when that actually happens until I feel like a bloated sack of protoplasm.

Thinking of hopping on the Weight Watchers band wagon again. It worked years ago although back then I only had about thirty pounds to lose. Wish it still was thirty. More in the range of seventy but that's OK. I can do this if I put my mind to it. I know I can.

I've been feeling as if something is holding me back lately. My desire to do anything outside of the house is simply not there. Of course the weather doesn't help at all. All this snow is driving me nuts. But by joining Weight Watchers I can then get my ass off the couch and out of the house on the weekends (of course the meetings are on Saturdays and Sundays).

Plus another bonus to getting out of the house on Saturday or Sunday is I get to go to the gym. Which I'm also planning on kick starting again next week. Being motivated on the weekends is so hard. Who wants to get dressed just to go workout and sweat?? Excuses really, but when you're lazy, all you need is one tiny excuse NOT to do something to NOT do it.

Yeah, its time for a change. Change for the better.